Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Opening up the discussion...

So overall, I think that we could call the workshop successful. A fantastic dialogue was opened between researchers, policy makers and administrators of the education system in Nova Scotia. The blog brought in a few more voices from parents, teachers and other academics interested in what we were doing. In one week, this blog has had over one hundred visits from across the US and Canada.

Now it's time to open the dialogue up even more... encourage teachers, students and parents to visit this blog and share their experiences and ideas around effective use of computers in the classroom. The more voices we listen too, the better we can understand what is needed, and perhaps even more importantly, what is not needed.

So what we're going to do now is every week post a question or talking point around the use of technology in education. Many of these will be pulled out of the Equity and Technology research, but we encourage people to also suggest topics and questions for discussion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

During the workshop, questions were asked about the participation of female students in technology-related courses. In Nova Scotia, based on high school technology enrollments of 16,227 in September 2006, average participation of female students in technology courses was 24% or 4,950 students ranging from 7% in Alternate Energy Technology and Applied Technology, 40% in Film and Video Production 12 and Multimedia 12 and 50% in most technology-related courses in the Conseil scolaire acadien provincial.